The future of the Snug Cove marina depends on the design of the attenuator.
The commencement of the attenuator construction phase of the Safe Harbour Project is getting closer, POEM Secretary, Rob Bain said today. As a consequence a new Eden marina industry with marina linked jobs and investment is, also, that much closer.
$10 million from the NSW Government for the attenuator is making the whole project possible.
According to the latest Crown Lands Community Update on the Safe Harbour project the Expressions of Interest stage for the attenuator is over and the Review of Environmental Factors for the project has progressed to the “response to submissions” phase.
It is vitally important that the economic objectives linked to the marina design are a key consideration when finalising the attenuator design.
The 170 berth commercial marina design by International Marina Consultants for POEM and supported by Bega Valley Shire Council provides a good starting point (see Concept 1 diagram).
This concept received unanimous support from over 260 members of the Eden community at a public meeting on 9 November 2012. The community has been waiting patiently ever since.
The aim of Crown Lands is to let the construction contract for the attenuator in late 2018 for completion in 2019.
POEM is recommending that, as soon as the attenuator design is finalised, the preliminary processes of developing a marina in Snug Cove should commence.
However, according to expert advice to POEM from IMC, the design and alignment used in the Expression of Interest document would not protect Snug Cove sufficiently to create a safe harbour nor create a protected area for a viable marina.
- the cruise ship channel is 30m wider than necessary which would cost significant marina berths
- there is no space between the attenuator and the end of the middle wharf for tugs and fishing boats to leave and return to the west side of the wharf
- the alignment of the western end of the attenuator would not protect Snug Cove from south westerly gales
(See Concept 2 diagram)
Without a marina there will be no economic benefits for the community and the project will not meet the Government’s stated goal of “driving economic growth in the region” (Community Update Quarter 1 2018).
Rob Bain, Secretary, POEM, 15 March 2018 0418622791
See the complete media release, including concept drawings, here.