Eden Safe Harbour Marina Project Delayed

The construction schedule for the Safe Harbour project in Snug Cove is now well behind where it was this time last year and is clearly delayed, Secretary of Port of Eden Marina Inc (POEM), Dr Robert Bain said today.

This is despite assurances from the Member for Bega and Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Andrew Constance that the project will go ahead.

The problem appears to be the cost of the wave attenuator (panel breakwater) and the inexplicable determination of the Government departments not to go out for competitive tenders.

After years of studies and several unsuccessful attempts, a location and design for the attenuator that would maximise the number of safe marina berths was agreed by the Government and POEM in mid 2018.

This has been on display in the window of the shop next to the Post Office in the main Street of Eden for about a year.

This design would provide a safe deepwater harbour for about 170 vessels and give the greatest possible number of jobs and maximum economic benefit for the Eden community from the marina.

The detailed design was completed in late 2018 (at a cost of $3 million) but, rather than go to competitive tender the project was given to Waterways Construction. Waterways put in a very high bid and then decided to close their Eden operation. Since then the project appears stalled.

The budget for the project is $19 million. The cost submitted by Waterways was, we believe, about $23 million or $64,000 per linear metre. The going cost based on similar attenuators built in recent years is around $20,000 per metre. This would mean about $8 million for the Snug Cove attenuator, well within the budget.

Why a relatively straight forward panel breakwater attenuator would cost treble the cost elsewhere and around half as much as the massive wharf and dredging project for the cruise ships remains a mystery.

A competitive tender process for the agreed attenuator is the obvious and risk free solution.

POEM is a non profit, Eden community association that has been working on this project for about 8 years.

Our members believe that Eden needs to capitalise on the great asset which is Snug Cove and future proof the attenuator to the maximum extent possible.

POEM Media Release 11 December 2019

Snug Cove Safe Harbour Marina Project: An Update

The project is nearly back on track after delays caused by an apparent cost blow out and subsequent withdrawal by the company that had been asked to tender for the construction of the attenuator.

Without a wave attenuator, a marina will not be possible in Snug Cove. 

However, POEM has received compelling evidence indicating that the proposed fixed panel wave attenuator that has absorbed so much Government and POEM time and money in recent years can be built within the budget of $19m. Read More

POEM Media Release: Eden Safe Harbour Project Moves Ahead

The future of the Snug Cove marina depends on the design of the attenuator.

The commencement of the attenuator construction phase of the Safe Harbour Project is getting closer, POEM Secretary, Rob Bain said today. As a consequence a new Eden marina industry with marina linked jobs and investment is, also, that much closer.

$10 million from the NSW Government for the attenuator is making the whole project possible.

Read More

IMC EOI Review

“The proposed attenuator alignment would lead to the loss of about 100 berths relative to the 170 berth marine concept … making the marina non-commercial at 70 berths. Also, we have strong doubts as to the “moderate” wave climate being suitable for a marina where maximum wave heights in the protected area could well be in excess of 1m.”

International Marine Consultants’ Wave Attenuator Contract EOI Review (PDF)

Eden Marina Project Underway At Last

The NSW Government has advised the Port of Eden Community Liaison Group (23 August 2017) that it will be calling for expressions of interest for a wave attenuator in Snug Cove in October this year.
The EOI process will be followed by calling tenders for construction.
This is welcome news for the Eden community and the Port of Eden Marina Association (POEM).  Years of studies, meetings and lobbying – plus the ongoing support from Andrew Constance – are at last paying off.
Eden is the only deepwater port for small vessels in South East NSW and East Gippsland. The addition of a safe harbour in Snug Cove will be very welcome by permanent and transiting boats, including the Sydney-Hobart fleet.
The main criteria for the attenuator will be creating the maximum protected area in Snug Cove without impacting on the berthing pocket for the cruise ships and ensuring that marina wave requirements are met.
While the visual impact of the attenuator may, initially, be quite stark, once the Snug Cove Safe Harbour is more or less full of boats, both the appearance and value of the attenuator to Eden will become very obvious.

Ministers tour Eden wharf, firing ‘a rocket’ at bureaucratic delays to extension

Andrew Constance (Member for Bega, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure) and Paul Toole (Minister for Lands and Forestry) came to Eden last Monday, 5 June, to announce that the dredging would start soon and be followed up by construction of the wharf extension for the cruise ships and the attenuator for the marina.

They stressed that the overall Eden port development comprises both the cruise ship and safe harbour/marina components.

Ministers are clearly frustrated by the bureaucratic delays in commencing the project.

They were also adamant that the attenuator must be very robust as they do not want to risk spending money on a structure that may not withstand a major storm. They appeared to effectively rule out Lands’ earlier concept of a floating attenuator.

The discussions that we had with the Wild Oats people during and just after the Sydney-Hobart have paid off as Andrew Constance highlighted the importance of Eden having a safe harbour with marina berths in case the race hits a serious storm.

The below link to the Eden Magnet website story provides a good overview of the visit.
